Haier Biomedical CO₂ Incubator Actively Contributes to Anti-Pandemic Research


As one of the most important pieces of equipment for biosafety laboratory R&D, Haier Biomedical CO₂ incubator is actively being used by laboratory professionals to assist with R&D to fight the pandemic, working together to improve the safety of the product to ensure end users get the maximum usage and utilize superior performance of the solution.

A CO₂ incubator is a device that simulates the growth environment inside an organism, with a stable temperature (37°C), stable CO₂ level (5%), high relative saturation humidity (over 90%) and a sterile environment enabling in vitro cell/tissue culture. As an essential part of the laboratory solution, the Haier Biomedical CO₂ incubator uses professional and superior technology such as precise temperature control, rapid temperature return, real-time monitoring and multiple alarms to provide reliable conditions for frontline medical staff to carry out epidemiological and translational research, and to create a stable cell and virus culture environment for researchers.

The CO₂ intake of the Haier Biomedical CO₂ incubator is designed with an efficient microbial filter. The filtration efficiency is 99.99% for particles with diameter of 0.2 micron or more which effectively filters out bacteria and dust particles from the CO₂ gas and ensures the safety of the experimental results.

To ensure stability and homogeneity, the CO₂ incubator is designed with a quick recovery system with active airflow control technology that enables rapid recovery of controlled temperature and CO₂ levels within 4 minutes of opening the door for 30 seconds, ensuring safety even when multiple people are sharing the incubator.

At the same time, the door of the Haier Biomedical CO₂ incubator has a heating function that radiates heat to the inner glass door, effectively preventing condensation from forming on the glass door, thus eliminating the possibility of microbial contamination caused by any condensation, enhancing the safety of the test environment and reducing experimental contamination.

The 180℃ dry heat sterilization technology is currently recognized as the best method of sterilization and meets all sterilization standard requirements. Haier Biomedical CO₂ incubators use this sterilization technology to effectively sterilize biological contaminants, including fungal spores, and can completely exterminate the more stubborn bacteria and viruses. And, the operator simply presses the sterilization button to initiate the process, avoiding secondary contamination and truly providing a contamination-free environment to provide the safest and most efficient support for researchers' work.

In an era when the fight against pandemic is an everyday occurrence, Haier Biomedical is mindful of the global fight against pandemic and will spare no effort in developing and researching products and solutions that will contribute to the study of the COVID-19 virus, working together with the world to fight the pandemic and create a better future and through the Intelligent Protection of Life Science and "Make Life Better".